Mel Larsen, who has been walking the streets of Fairhaven, MA dressed like Jesus since the beginning of the summer stands at the intersection of Main St. and Rt 6. Mr. Larsen who resides in Florida has come up north in an effort to spread his religious beliefs.
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1_MG_0069 PHOTO PETER PEREIRA/The Standard-Times
++ Mel Larsen who has been walking the streets of Fairhaven dressed like Jesus since the beginning of the summer stands at the intersection of Main St. and Rt 6. Mr. Larsen who resides in Florida has come up north in an effort to spread his religious beliefs.
2_N8A0476 PHOTO PETER PEREIRA/The Standard-Times
++ Mel Larsen who has been walking the streets of Fairhaven dressed like Jesus since the beginning of the summer stands at the intersection of Main St. and Rt 6. Mr. Larsen who resides in Florida has come up north in an effort to spread his religious beliefs.
3_MG_0118 PHOTO PETER PEREIRA/The Standard-Times
++ Truck drivers take a photo of the Fairhaven Jesus. Mel Larsen who has been walking the streets of Fairhaven dressed like Jesus since the beginning of the summer stands at the intersection of Main St. and Rt 6. Mr. Larsen who resides in Florida has come up north in an effort to spread his religious beliefs.
4_N8A0487 PHOTO PETER PEREIRA/The Standard-Times
++ Mel Larsen who has been walking the streets of Fairhaven dressed like Jesus since the beginning of the summer stands at the intersection of Main St. and Rt 6. Mr. Larsen who resides in Florida has come up north in an effort to spread his religious beliefs.
5_N8A0550 PHOTO PETER PEREIRA/The Standard-Times
++ Mel Larsen who has been walking the streets of Fairhaven dressed like Jesus since the beginning of the summer stands at the intersection of Main St. and Rt 6. Mr. Larsen who resides in Florida has come up north in an effort to spread his religious beliefs.
6_N8A0512 PHOTO PETER PEREIRA/The Standard-Times
++ Mel Larsen who has been walking the streets of Fairhaven dressed like Jesus since the beginning of the summer stands at the intersection of Main St. and Rt 6. Mr. Larsen who resides in Florida has come up north in an effort to spread his religious beliefs.
7_N8A0482 PHOTO PETER PEREIRA/The Standard-Times
++ Mel Larsen who has been walking the streets of Fairhaven dressed like Jesus since the beginning of the summer stands at the intersection of Main St. and Rt 6. Mr. Larsen who resides in Florida has come up north in an effort to spread his religious beliefs.
8_MG_0127 PHOTO PETER PEREIRA/The Standard-Times
++ Mel Larsen who has been walking the streets of Fairhaven dressed like Jesus since the beginning of the summer stands at the intersection of Main St. and Rt 6. Mr. Larsen who resides in Florida has come up north in an effort to spread his religious beliefs.
9_MG_0089 PHOTO PETER PEREIRA/The Standard-Times
++ Mel Larsen who has been walking the streets of Fairhaven dressed like Jesus since the beginning of the summer stands at the intersection of Main St. and Rt 6. Mr. Larsen who resides in Florida has come up north in an effort to spread his religious beliefs.
10_MG_0110 PHOTO PETER PEREIRA/The Standard-Times
++ Mel Larsen who has been walking the streets of Fairhaven dressed like Jesus since the beginning of the summer stands at the intersection of Main St. and Rt 6. Mr. Larsen who resides in Florida has come up north in an effort to spread his religious beliefs.
11_N8A0451 PHOTO PETER PEREIRA/The Standard-Times
++ Jessica Koczera gives the Fairhaven Jesus a hug as her friend Linn Andersskog looks on. Mel Larsen who has been walking the streets of Fairhaven dressed like Jesus since the beginning of the summer stands at the intersection of Main St. and Rt 6. Mr. Larsen who resides in Florida has come up north in an effort to spread his religious beliefs.
12_N8A0462 PHOTO PETER PEREIRA/The Standard-Times
++ Cheryl takes a photo of her husband Bob and the Fairhaven Jesus. Mel Larsen who has been walking the streets of Fairhaven dressed like Jesus since the beginning of the summer stands at the intersection of Main St. and Rt 6. Mr. Larsen who resides in Florida has come up north in an effort to spread his religious beliefs.
13_N8A0534 PHOTO PETER PEREIRA/The Standard-Times
++ Fairhaven Jesus is reflected from the window of a car. Mel Larsen who has been walking the streets of Fairhaven dressed like Jesus since the beginning of the summer stands at the intersection of Main St. and Rt 6. Mr. Larsen who resides in Florida has come up north in an effort to spread his religious beliefs.
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++ Mel Larsen who has been walking the streets of Fairhaven dressed like Jesus since the beginning of the summer stands at the intersection of Main St. and Rt 6. Mr. Larsen who resides in Florida has come up north in an effort to spread his religious beliefs.
++ Mel Larsen who has been walking the streets of Fairhaven dressed like Jesus since the beginning of the summer stands at the intersection of Main St. and Rt 6. Mr. Larsen who resides in Florida has come up north in an effort to spread his religious beliefs.