Artist Deborah Macy enjoys a good laugh at something David says as he works on his painting.  David Danis, who has Down syndrome, attends his weekly art class with local artist Deborah Macy at her studio in New Bedford, MA.
Kiki sits in her custom built wheeled support chair, at the entrance to the barn. Kiki is a 4-month-old lamb born unable to use her legs. She was rescued by Don't Forget Us PET US, animal sanctuary in Dartmouth, MA where she now lives. PHOTO PETER PEREIRA
Kiki sits in her custom built wheeled support chair, at the entrance to the barn. Kiki is a 4-month-old lamb born unable to use her legs. She was rescued by Don't Forget Us PET US, animal sanctuary in Dartmouth, MA where she now lives. PHOTO PETER PEREIRA